Robert Sayer was a prolific printmaker and mapmaker and seller in 18th Century London. Two examples of his portraiture products are show below.
The prints of hands and arms were from a portfolio which demonstrated the methods of drawing and included hands, arms, eyes, nose, ears, heads, figures, landscapes and animals
For more examples of how to draw, you can visit my website: Figure-Drawings.com, or another post, How to Draw a Hand, or another How to Draw Hands.
The National Portrait Gallery which has a section on his portraits gives this brief biography of Robert Sayer.
"In 1747, Robert Sayer's elder brother James married Mary Overton, owner of the map and print business of her late husband, Philip Overton. A year later Robert Sayer acquired both her stock and her shop and began running it himself. From his London office on Fleet Street, he continued to publish the Overton stock while acquiring and expanding the business with plates from other printers, including maps, portraits, and nautical engravings. Sayer became a leading figure in the print, map and chart business; he took advantage of common production facilities and distribution channels and exploited the expanding markets in all three fields."

The first image is William Beckford Esq,r Member of Parliment for the City of London James Townsend Esq.r John Sawbridge Esq.r - Published as the Act directs, Sepr. 29th 1769, by Jn.o Smith No. 35 in Cheapside; and Robert Sayer No. 53 in Fleet Street - Large image at Sanders of Oxford, printsellers.
The second image is The Right Honorable William Pitt Esqr. One of His Majesty's Most Hon.ble Privy Council. - London: Printed for Robert Sayer, Map & Printseller, at the Goldern Buck near Serjeant’s Inn, Fleet Street. Artist Richard Houston after William Hoare, published according to the Act of Parliment April 20 1766 - Large image at Sanders of Oxford, printsellers. Search for British Political.
The David Rumsey Map Collection has an extensive listing of his maps.
Draw Real Hands! (Discover Drawing Series)
Drawing Hands and Feet: Form, Proportions, Gestures and Actions (The Art of Drawing)
Drawing & Painting Hands & Feet
British Prints: Dictionary & Price Guide

Artistic Costume Designing
Simple clear illustrations characterize this very complete introduction to costume and fashion designing by the founder and Director of Lipson's School of Costume Designing in Los Angeles. The book is designed as a home study book with exercises to work on. It includes sections on how to draw the figure, how to draw hand, feet, legs and how to illustrate costumes and fashions.

These last imges are from The artist's vade-mecum by R. Sayer. Another post about him is here.
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