Le Brun's System on Physiognomy

Charles Le Brun's Physiognomies.

Charles Le Brun's plate on expression, and other images of expression at

Charles Le Brun, Li Baoshu and the wolfman, link to a
page on hair.

Head physiognomies resembling weasels.
Link to a study for Mucius Scaevola Before Porsenna.
The Web Gallery of Art.

Head resembling a monkey.
Here is a link to a the plates on the web at maitres-des-arts-graphiques.com:
Le Brun's System on Physiognomy
L.-J.-M. Morel d'Arleux (after Charles Lebrun)Dissertation sur un Traité de Charles Lebrun concernant le
Rapport de la Physionomie Humaine avec Celle des Animaux
Paris, Chalcographie du Musée Napoléon, 1806
Planches gravées* d'après les dessins de Lebrun, pour son
Traité du Rapport de la Figure Humaine avec celle des Animaux.

Another image is on the page of a dissertation called
Visualizationby Marc Winter.

Physiognomy and the Meaning of Expression in Nineteenth-Century Culture (Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
Physiognomy In Profile: Lavater's Impact On European Culture
Physiognomy - By Johann Caspar Lavater.
Some similar images about physiognomy are on a page about phrenology:
Phrenology and the Fine Arts.
See also:
Antique Medical Anatomy Book.
The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression
Facial Expressions: A Visual Reference for Artists