Sunday, April 22, 2012

Traite Complet de la Peintore - Human Proportions

Proportions of the figure.

Human proportions in plates from Traite Complet de la Peintore by Jacques-Nicolas Paillot de Montabert. Jacques-Nicolas Paillot de Montabert was born in 1771 and died in 1849. He painted scenes of the rule of Napoleon I. Wikipedia article.
The Traite Complet de la Peintore (Complete treatise on painting) was composed of nine volumes and a volume of plates, Chez Bossange, (Paris) 1829. These images are from the volume of plates. You can see the complete volume at Gallica Bibliotheque Numerique.

Proportions of the figure as skeleton and muscular system.

Proportions of the head, proportions of the hand and foot.

 Proportions of the figure, proportions of a child.

"Jacques-Nicolas Paillot de Montabert ; 1771-1849"

Théorie Du Geste Dans L'Art De La Peinture: Renferment Plusieurs Préceptes Applicables À L'Art De Théâtre : Suivie Des Principes Du Beau Optique, Pour ... Dans Le Geste Pittoresque (French Edition)

L'Artistaire: Livre des Principales Initiations Aux Beaux-Arts

Emulation: Making Artists for Revolutionary France


This chromolithograph is from "PRACTICAL ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY & PATHOLOGY" by T.S. Lambert and published by Sanborn, Carter & Co in Portland in 1890.

The print on Ebay.

The Muscular System Manual: The Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body, 3e

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lambertus Johannes Hansen - Figure Drawing

A drawing from around 1830 in red chalk by Lambertus Johannes Hansen, a 9th century painter in Amsterdam, was the son of the cityscape painter Carel Lodewijk Hansen. Wikipedia link.

Interior with a Woman and Child

An Afternoon In A Dutch Interior

Voornaam binnenhuis met vrouw en kind bij een trap - Interior with a Woman and Child and Stairs

Lambertus Johannes Hansen's drawing on Ebay.

Catalogue des Peintures du Musée de l'État à Amsterdam

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Charles X. Carlson - Circular Drawing Technique for Drawing Figures

 Pages from Charles X. Carlson's Simplified Pencil Drawing. A quote from his book:

The circular technique applies mostly to figure drawing, but can be used otherwise- too- The method is to outline with circles and ovals each little plane and form and then shade and accent.
First Step sketch in lightly the big forms and planes.
Second Step into the large ovals work in the small planes.
Third step shade and accent forms.

A 17th Century Italian Drawing which uses the technique.

A Michelangelo drawing that uses the technique, Last Judgment. Studies for an angel and for the damned, detail (1534-5) Black chalk. British Museum, London.

Pencil, Ink and Charcoal Drawing (Dover Art Instruction) is a Dover reprint of 2 of Carlson's books, Simplified Pencil Drawing and Simplified Charcoal Drawing.