Personnage Romain en Forme de Mercure, Hercules et Telephe, Jason
Venus d'Arles, Mercure dit le Lantin, Bacchus
Mercure, Venus Genitrix, Venus du Capitole
Jean Duchesne Aine’s folio Musee Francais; Recueil Des Plus Beaux Tableaux, Statues, et Bas-Reliefs Qui Existaient Au Louvre Avant 1815. Only 600 copies were printed, it was published in Parish in 1829.
Individual plates from the book are for sale on Ebay Click here to see them for sale on Ebay.
Another post about the Musee Francais.
Hellenistic and Roman Ideal Sculpture: The Allure of the Classical
Roman Sculpture (Yale Publications in the History of Art)
Looking at Greek and Roman Sculpture in Stone: A Guide to Terms, Styles, and Techniques
Another book by Duchesne Aine is at Google Books Musée de peinture et de sculpture ou recueil des principaux tableaux statues et bas-reliefs des collections publiques et particulières de l'Europe,
Volume 1
Hercules et Ajax from Musee de peinture et de sculpture,
and for comparison Hercule et Telephe from Musee Francais.
Volume 2
Volume 6
Volume 7
Volume 12
Volume 14
An English edition of Volume 6 is Museum of painting and sculpture or collection of the principal pictures, statues and bas-reliefs, Volume 6
Other plates from the book are for sale on Ebay Click here to see them for sale on Ebay.
A book is for sale at Mynotera.