The lower jaw is articulated with the temporal bone in such a manner as to admit of considerable freedom of motion in an antero-posterior and lateral, and still more in a vertical direction (figs. 1, 2, 3). An interarticular cartilage is placed in the joint for greater freedom of movement (Fig. 3 -1). On each side of this cartilage is a synovial membrane separating it from the two faces of the joint. The external lateral ligament (fig. 1 -1) arises from the inferior margin of the root of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone, and is inserted into the neck of the condyloid process. The internal lateral ligament (fig. 2-1) arises from the spinous process of the sphenoid bone, and is inserted into the spine bordering the posterior mental foramen. The stylo-maxillary ligament (figs. 1, 2, 3 -2) passes from the external side of the styloid process, and is inserted into the posterior margin of the jaw, near its angle. FIG. 4 -2. Anterior vertebral ligament; 4 -1 & 5 -1, -2. Anterior and Posterior occipito-atlantal ligaments; FIG. 7, -1-2. Suspensorium dentis epistrophei; 7 -3. Transverse ligament of the neck; 7 -4. Posterior vertebral ligament; FIG. 10, -1-2. Intervertebral ligaments; FIG. 11 -1. Ligamenta subflava; FIG. 12 -1. Supra-spinous ligament; 12 -2. Inter-spinous ligaments; FIG. 14 -2. Anterior, Posterior and Superior ligaments; FIG. 15 -1, epicranial aponeurosis ; -2, occipito-frontalis ; -3, compressor naris; -4, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi; -5, levator proprius labii superioris ; -6, orbicularis ; -7, depressor anguli oris ; -8, depressor labii superioris ; -9, transversus menti (of rare occurrence) ; -10, atlollens aurem ; -11, attrahens aurem ; -12, orbicularis palpebrarum; -13, zygomaticus major; -14, zygornaticus minor; 15 -17, deltoides; -18, pectoralis major; -19, biceps; -20, pronator teres; -21, flexor sublimis digitorum ; -22, supinator longus ; -23, flexor carpi radialis; -29, tensor vaginae femoris; -30, pectinaeus; -31, sartorius ; -32, gracilis ; -33, rectus femoris ; -34, ligamentum patellae ; -35, extensor digitorum communis ; -36, tibialis anticus. FIG. 16 -1. occipital portion of occipito-frontalis; 16 -2. retrahens aurem; -6, deltoides: -7, triceps ; -8.extensor digiti minimi; 9, extensor carpi ulnaris; -10, extensor communis digitorum ; -11 abductor pollicis longus ; -12, extensor pollicis brevis; -13, extensor pollicis longus; -14, external interosseous muscles; -15, tendons of the extensor communis digitorum; -17, glutaeus maximus; -18, gracilis; -19, vastus externus ; -20, biceps flexor cruris ; -21, gastrocnemius. FIG. 17 -1. occipital portion of occipito-frontalis; -4, deltoides.
A steel engraving from Iconographic Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature, and Art By Johann Georg Heck. The German title is Bilder Atlas zum Conversations-Lexikon Ikonographische Encyclopadie der Wissenschaften und Kunste.
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This print and others from the Bilder Atlas are for sale on Ebay.
Iconographic Encyclopaedia of Science, Literature, and Art
Iconographic encyclopedia of the arts and sciences
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