I like these expressionist drawings a lot. They have a freedom that I sometimes have in quick sketches but get further away from in my own drawings. You can see more of her work at her blog, and on Flickr.
The Art Student's Guide to the Proportions of the Human Form
The Art Student's Guide to the Proportions of the Human Form A republication of Dr. Gottfried Schadow's famous work in which thirty plates demonstrate the proportions of the human form. It is based on the pioneering work of the Greek Sculptor Polycletus. Two ways to buy this book, download an ebook at figure-drawings.com or buy a paperback a copy at Amazon.com
The Student's Guide to Expression in Historical Painting
The School of Raphael- Wonderful engravings by Nicholas Dorigny after Raphael's famous designs for the story of early Christianity for the Sistine Chapel, the heads of the figures are used to demonstrate the range of human expressions. Two ways to buy this book: download an e-book at Figure-Drawings.com or buy a paperback at Amazon.com
Gerard Audran's The Proportions of the Human Body
In 1683 Gerard Audran produced Les Proportions du Corps Humain which was a careful rendition of the famous statues of antiquity including careful measurements of each. You can download a copy at Figure-Drawings.com or buy a printed book at Amazon.com
The Art Student's Guide To External Anatomy
The Art Student's Guide to External Anatomy A republished edition of Dr. Fau's book which was in wide circulation with as many as ten editions in different languages and used by almost every art student in Europe in the mid nineteenth century. The book is in full color. Two ways to buy this book, download an ebook at Figure-Drawings.com or a full color paperback at Amazon.com
The Art Student's Guide to the Bones and Muscles of the Human Body
The Art Student's Guide to the Bones and Muscles of the Human Body and Lessons on Foreshortening a republication of the 1892 edition based on Dr. Schadows original 1830 guide for his students. Two ways to buy this book, download an ebook at figure-drawings.com or buy a printed copy at Amazon.com.
The Human Head
A new edition of Louis Bail's method of learning to draw the head. Two ways to buy the book download an ebook at Figure-Drawings.com, or buy a printed copy at Amazon.com
Figure Drawings in Color features the life drawings of Canadian Artist Cedric Fleetwood Weaver along with step-by-step instructions about how to make them. Two ways to buy this book, download an ebook at Figure-Drawings.com or buy a printed copy at Lulu.com.
Life Drawing By Pierre Lissac
Life Drawing - Croquis de Pierre Lissac From the pages of La Vie Parisienne a humorous look at artist and their models. Two ways to buy this book, an ebook at figure-drawings.com or a full color paperback at lulu.com.
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